Celebrate winter! Warm up those imaginations with these cool winter crafts then relax with some fun printables and heart-warming recipes
What you'll need:
- 1 jumbo craft stick
- White acrylic paint
- White and red glitter glue
- 2" piece of white chenille stem
- 2 medium blue pom-poms
- Wax paper
- ½ orange toothpick
- 1 blue toothpick (colored toothpicks are not required, plain will work)
- Scrap of material for scarf
- Scrap of white paper for sign
- Black marker
- White craft glue
- Glue stick
- Scissors
How to make it:
- Paint craft stick white and let dry. Repeat if needed.
- Make the snowman face by using a black marker to draw on eyes, eyebrows, and a mouth. Glue the orange toothpick piece between the eyes and the mouth.
- Place a piece of wax paper on the work surface. Glue the blue toothpick to the back of the craft stick, about 2.5" down from the top. Leave about 2/3 of the toothpick visible. Cut a piece of white paper, about 2"x3" (approximately) and fold in half. On one half, use a black marker to write "BRRR!" Line the inside with a glue stick and fold it around the blue toothpick to create the sign. (See image.)
- Glue a piece of scrap material around the neck area to create a scarf.
- Bend the chenille so that it is rounded and fits around the top of the craft stick. This is the band for your ear muffs. Glue in place. Trim a little off the side of a pom-pom (to make one side flatter) and glue to the side of the craft stick where the chenille ends. Repeat on the other side.
- Starting at the bottom of the craft stick, use the red glitter glue to create a "ball" of mercury, then draw a line halfway up the stick. (See image.)
- Switch to the white glitter glue and continue up the craft stick until you reach the scarf. Let glitter glue dry, this will take several hours. (See image.)
- Use a fine tip black marker to add dashes and numbers to your thermometer, including the Fahrenheit and Celcius symbols (F and C).
- Jumbo craft sticks are available at discount department stores and craft supply stores.
- Hint: Start your number 0 where the red and white meet, then fill in remaining numbers from there.
- Glitter glue takes several hours to dry, so be sure and plan accordingly.
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