Saturday, July 16, 2011

Knoxville, TN

I have spent the past week in Knoxville TN for the AQS Quilt show.  The weather has been WONDERFUL!  I sure wish I could take some of this rain back to Texas with me.  But alas, back to over 100 degree temps tomorrow.  Arrived in Knoxville on Monday, promptly got the booth set up and then it was time to play with friends!  Brint Fanizza and Sebastian Rivera of  (AWESOME scissors!!),
Cheri Meineke-Johnson and her niece of  (SUPER crystals!!) and I headed over to Pigeon Forge for some fun.  First we went to a winery and stocked up on some wonderful wines:

After the winery we went and road Go Karts, Bumper Cars and played at the arcade.  Yep, we were just being big kids and it was a blast!

From there we went and had Thai food.  YUM!!  Talk about a perfect day!

After the show was over I wanted to take Jamie Walden of (REALLY cool blocks for stamping fabric!!) for some good traditional American food.  We found a super restaurant on the river.  Calhouns on the Tennessee River has delicious BBQ ribs!  With sides of Tennessee Corn Pudding and Spinach Loraine, it was pretty cold to the perfect meal.  Oh, and for appetizers, an array of different breads.  Can you say YUM???!!!!  Ok, I'm drooling now.  =)  If you are ever in Knoxville, you HAVE to put Calhouns on your list of MUSTS.

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