Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Charlotte Gilmour's Chicken Popper Parmesan

This is a great little recipe for eating food that tastes high end, at rock bottom prices!  Chicken Parmesan, a restaurant favorite, is usually on the upper end of the menu, and quality drops sharply with cost. Most of the time, anyway, but not today.  It will make enough for 4 or more hungry men, for under $10!  So let's take a look at what we need to do.


2 jars pasta sauce
1 package of your favorite pasta
1 lb. Chicken Poppers (These can be had in the hot deli of your local WalMart.  Most WalMarts will price hot deli items half off after a certain time. Ask an associate at the deli to find out).
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
Grated Parmesan

Optional Ingrediants:

1/2 T. garlic powder
1/2 T. chili powder
1/2 T. Italian seasoning
1/4 T. Salt & Pepper
2 large bay leaves.


Set a burner to med/hot.  In a medium pot, combine pasta sauce with any option ingredients, you choose to use, and bring to a slow boil, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.  Add 20 minutes, or more, if using the spices, to allow the flavors to meld. Cook pasta seperately during this time.  When pasta is done, add the chicken poppers to the sauce and let sit 5 min on low heat.

Make a bed of pasta on a plate and ladle sauce onto it.  Sprinkle with parmesan to taste, but don't be afraid to pile it on! Cover with 1/2 cup of mozzarella. Microwave to melt cheese and serve.

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