Monday, June 20, 2011

Knotty Celtic Knots

Celtic Knotwork is often said to be one of the most difficult projects to undertake in the embroidery and quilting world. That being said, there is a new resource for information on the subject. Knotty Celtic Designs, by Raymond Houston, has recently come on the scene. From what information and instructions he has put out, on his blog, he really seems to know his stuff. He shows how to go from a simple grid, to a intricate knot work. So far he is teaching anyone who cares to learn about knot work design. You can go check out his blog at Enjoy yourself and look at what he has to say. We are!

1 comment:

Raymond K. Houston said...

Thank you for your kind words, Gina . . .

KCK is still a fledgling blog, so please bear with me as I "tie up loose ends," so to speak . . .