Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hooray for Hollywood

Woo Hoo! My husband was able to go with me this time to Long Beach Quilt Show. We had a car full of people: Dianne and Brandy from http://www.diannespringerdesigns.com/, myself and my husband and my niece. Driving into Palm Springs was SO hot. Gosh, I thought Arizona and Texas are hot.

Palm Springs made it seem mild. We drove into Burbank the next day and dropped Dianne and Brandy off at their cousin's house. It was time to head to San Diego to deliver Victoria to her dad's house....but let's go through Hollywood first.

ooo, here I am at Judy Garland's star. What was this pose about?!

Michael at Groucho Marx's star:Victoria w/ Sandra Bullock's star.Oh we had a great time! Michael loved it as he had never been. We were there on the day of the premier of Salt! and got to see the paparazzi preparing at least 3 hours prior ready to snap away pics of Angelina Jolie. We could stay for the excitement but Victoria was anxious to see her brothers and lil' sister so after snapping some pictures of our own we hit the road. Take a peek at some of our snapshots.

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