Saturday, August 4, 2007

Where does the time go??

I can't believe it's August already? Where did July go?? I know where June went. I vended at 3 different quilt shows and lost a family member.

I did get some pictures taken over the past few months. Like I need another hobby, but I love taking pictures. They are a great inspiration in colors.

These were taken in the past week. We've had below average temperatures and lots of rain. It's still green here and it's August! That is unheard of in Central West Texas. It's usually brown by the end of May. Thank you Lord for the fantastic weather and green grass. The colors in the clouds and the rays of light were breath taking!

2 weeks ago we took the kids to the Ft. Worth Science Museum. They had a big Star Wars exhibit which all the kids and hubby just loved. They had all the movie props. Bryce isn't one much for taking pictures, but I finally got him in one. I sure miss Briana and Blake. They will be home in a few weeks. Bryce came home early to work on Driver's Ed.

Then the little boys got to dig for dinosaur bones *wink*. They loved that. Here are Marshall and Morgan digging up bones.


Serena Smith said...

Beautiful photos!! I love using my camera also, but find it difficult to find time for snapping photos! Like you said, just another hobby! :)

Splinters and Threads said...

Thank you. Girl, you have no idea. I have been so busy with just my site and I got picked up by a vendor. wooo hooo!! So, been busy burning my designs on to cds, designing the labels and covers for those, and have 2 websites I'm building. At least it's a job I love!~!

swooze said...

Yes wanted to tell you where the bagsket tutorial came from. It was so nice to meet you at the Plano show.