Friday, November 30, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

I can't believe that it has been almost 3 months since my last post. My gosh, the time flies! I just want to wish everyone Merry Christmas. May Christ's love shine on all of you.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Where does the time go??

I can't believe it's August already? Where did July go?? I know where June went. I vended at 3 different quilt shows and lost a family member.

I did get some pictures taken over the past few months. Like I need another hobby, but I love taking pictures. They are a great inspiration in colors.

These were taken in the past week. We've had below average temperatures and lots of rain. It's still green here and it's August! That is unheard of in Central West Texas. It's usually brown by the end of May. Thank you Lord for the fantastic weather and green grass. The colors in the clouds and the rays of light were breath taking!

2 weeks ago we took the kids to the Ft. Worth Science Museum. They had a big Star Wars exhibit which all the kids and hubby just loved. They had all the movie props. Bryce isn't one much for taking pictures, but I finally got him in one. I sure miss Briana and Blake. They will be home in a few weeks. Bryce came home early to work on Driver's Ed.

Then the little boys got to dig for dinosaur bones *wink*. They loved that. Here are Marshall and Morgan digging up bones.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Time Flies

my goodness. I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted. I've seen some great quilts in that time, went on a great retreat, and have tons of inspiration. Problem is not enough time to do everything I want. Boy, I really wish I could put myself into warp speed and not tire out. My mom and I are getting ready to be vendors at the Abilene Quilt Show in 2 weeks. We have SO much to do in that amount of time but I want to take time and smell the roses too. Speaking of roses, look at the size of these roses at my mother's house.

Life flies by and people are gone before you know it. Always let the ones you care about and love know how much they mean to you. We recently lost a good friend. He was only 38 years old and left a young family who dearly loved him. This man lived life to the fullest and loved the Lord with all his heart. 2 hours before he passed, I happened to be going to town. A storm had moved through and there was the largest fullest rainbow that I have ever seen in my life. That is saying alot since I have lived in Hawaii and saw rainbows almost daily. As soon as I saw it, the Lord's words popped into my head: "I will never leave you or foresake you." Thank you Lord for sending us beautiful reminders of your love.

Monday, April 9, 2007

What a difference a week makes

After the beginning of last week being SO beautiful, it ended up in a deep freeze. Monday was in the 80s. We got new bunnies and the boys just love them.

BUT by Saturday, our high was 28!! SNOW for EASTER! We got between 2-3" but the gound was so warm it didn't stck. It sure was piled on the cars thou =) Patch was having a blast out in the snow.

This picture was taken the day before Easter just south of Abilene by some hunters. Isn't this an amazing picture??

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring is HERE!

We've had rain here in West Texas. It's been great and made everything so green! Enjoying it while we can before everything turns brown in summer. We took off after church yesterday to go bluebonnet hunting. We took some great pictures of the kids. The flowers smell just wonderful!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Life gets in the way

Wow, where does the time go? I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. Life has kept me so busy. 5 kids and a business. whew. =) On Feb 24, my daughter, mother and I went up to Munday, Texas to the Cotton Pickin' Quilt Festival. So happened to have had a terrible dust storm that day. This is a blurred view. I apologize. I had it on auto focus, so it focused on the inside of the suburban. I was in the very back seat. =)

The dust was awful but the quilts were wonderful. I will try to give appropriate credits when I can. If I have missed some PLEASE let me know.

I fell in love with this Sunbonnet Sue Redwork quilt. I didn't get the quilter or the designers' name. Please let me know if it is yours.

This quilt was made and quilted by Amanda Bibb:

These darling handprint quilts were hanging in the school hallways.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Kids Say

The saying is SO true: "Kids say the funniest things." My 3 year old came up to me and out of the blue said, "we don't eat yellow snow, we only like white snow." Who knows where he heard that but it sure tickled me.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Go with the Flow

Boy, this has been a totally non productive week. i cannot get rid of this bronchitis and pneumonia. I've taken all the medicine that I want to take. I am laying in bed and not getting much done at all except recuperating which is going very slowly. I want to be digitizing. I want to be quilting. I want to be embroidering. I want to be cooking and baking. I want to be doing crafts. I need to get a yard together this year. I have WAY more interests than I have time for. My dream is start designing fabric. I have so many ideas my head is swimming. Having ADD can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. i get working on one thing, but remember something else that needs to be done first. By the time I finish that, I forgot where I was in the first place. Life reminds me very much of standing in the ocean. The waves come in and push against you. Standing still is nearly impossible. I don't want them to knock me down. Fighting against them wears me out. If I just give in and relax, I'll go back and forth and end up somewhere else which may lead to a very exciting new venture. Maybe I should just go with the flow and leave it in God's hands.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

sunbonnet Sues

I got my new set up and am pleased with it. I really like digitizing redwork as well as stitching them out. This set of Sunbonnets is from McCalls circa 1933. I got a call one day asking me to digitize these designs. It was from a lady who is best friends with Governor Perry's mother. How cool is that??!

read more about the history of redwork here:

copyright ok:

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Vintage Transfers GALORE!

I'm SO excited. I got this huge lot of embroidery transfer patterns off ebay. They are all in public domain! There are cute kitties, kittens, Pickaninny doll dish towel designs-all 7 designs are here and they are unused, Also an Angel crib quilt that is unused, other childrens, nursery, crib quilts, more dish towels, pillowcases, monograms, Topsy and Eva potholders, more kitten dish towels, puppy dish towels, Circus crib quilt, lots of floral design, one large Sunbonnet Sue with trellis design, Cherub dish towels, Apron patterns, Quilt patterns, Mexican designs and lots more. Almost 2 pounds of transfers in this lot. Most of these are older, 1940's and up, some from Workbasket magazine, the Superior are in poor condition, so are the Vogart cross-st patterns. Some are fragile. The old age has made them more brittle and crease lines do tear on these but I'm going to try to preserve these and sell them as both artwork and as digitized embroidery designs. The exciting thing is this entire lot was only $5.50. Now the shipping was almost double. LOL

copyright info:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Quilting Hearts designs

It's a new year and I'm ready to delve into the world of blogs. yikes! I introduced a new embroidery design set last night and it seems to be well received so far. I'm pleased with the designs. You can take a look at them at HERE . Be sure and get your free embroidery design while you are there

Ice storm 2007

Life today. ....let me back up a few days. Friday it was in the 60s and rained most of the day. A cold front hit and by late afternoon it was freezing. All the rain turned into ice. The kids had yesterday (MLKjr day) off which was a good thing because the roads were solid ice. Today they were finally clear enough for them to go to school and at the very last minute they called school off because of no water pressure in town. So, it turned into a 4 day weekend. it did warm up to 30 today which was warmer than we had seen since Friday night. Bryce went out and got some icicle off the house that were 18" long. I put pictures of the ice storm on my webshots album. It hasn't gotten this cold and remained this cold in such a long time. I sure hope it kills some of the bugs. The weather is not expected to get above freezing for the next 4 or so days. wow! They are forecasting some snow, but who knows. This is Texas and it's always changing.